A quarter of British men have been involved in alcohol-fuelled violence

Latest Poll delivered by the Priory

Millions of people across Britain could be putting themselves at risk of alcohol related violence, casual sex or blackouts, according to an ICM poll carried out on behalf of the Priory Group.

The most common occurrence was not being able to remember what had happened the night before. The research shows that alcohol can negatively affect behaviour in a number of ways:-

* 6% of men and 3% of women had woken up with someone they couldn’t remember

* 30% of people admitted to being unable to function properly at work or college the day after a drinking session

* 4% of people had ended a relationship

* Almost one in four men had been injured or involved in an alcohol-fuelled fight

* 21% of people had taken a day off to recover from a hangover

Dr Mark Collins, consultant at the Priory Group said: “These are shocking revelations, reinforcing the fact that the excessive or inappropriate consumption of alcohol is a massive social and public health problem.”